
is video editing a good job

The world watches 5 billion videos daily on YouTube. The other videos air on TV programs, which help during training, and serve other private purposes. Therefore, this shows the growing importance of professionals taking up the many video editor jobs available in the world today.

The primary role of a video editor is to manipulate clips by cutting, enhancing, and joining them to create a film. The editor waits for raw footage obtained from the field by camerapersons. They then use the script guides to aid in this process of manipulation.

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This post was updated on March 2021

Professional or Technician Video Editor Jobs?

The fact that you will be working from the office would make you feel like a professional. However, every video editor begins as a technician. You have to put in the hours, learning how to use the different applications, until you achieve the desired effect.

Video editors grow to become professionals after gaining the necessary experience. At this point, you have a team of editors working under your watch. You could also be running multiple projects at the same time, though you are not directly editing the raw footage.

A video editor can also rise to positions of producer and executive producer. Hence, career options for video editors are limitless.

What It Takes To Be A Video Editor

People take different paths on their way to becoming a video editor. Some will end up with college degrees while others are editors with only video editing skills.

  • Video editing college degree– most of the editors who use this path are students of film and journalism. The students study video editing as a unit and may decide to major in editing. Degree holders have a more extensive understanding of the film industry and have the potential of rising through the ranks in the industry.
  • Editing Technicians- the technicians learn exclusive editing skills. A student can learn video editing skills at a community college or using tutorials online. The technicians might pick a narrow aspect of film making, denying them the opportunity to exit the ream of editing easily. However, they can end up taking senior editing positions after mastering the necessary skills.

Even as you think of papers and practical skills, it could help to consider some of the responsibilities required for video editor jobs.

They include:

  1. Editing the actual footage for motion pictures, TV programs, documentaries, music videos, sporting events, and news items, among others.
  2. Organizing and editing digital footage in real-time using the available software
  3. Holding discussions with directors, scriptwriters, and producers regarding the overall vision of the production process
  4. Analyzing and discussing the editing techniques that can help to improve the outcome of a scene
  5. Edit the scene to achieve the scripted outcome

But what counts in the video editing industry? What will help the editor to perform the above roles effectively? Is it the papers, or what will employers be looking for in an employee?

Video editing is a skill. You must learn how to use the features on an application to achieve the desired effect on a film. You must also understand that the scriptwriter had a desired outcome from the project. The work of the editor is, therefore, to use the available software to turn the raw footage into the envisaged film.

A video editor must inherently possess particular skills to fit within the job perfectly. Here is a look at crucial skills that will help the video editor to deliver on expectations in the industry.

Video Editing Jobs

1. Communication Skills

A video editing environment requires a lot of collaboration. The scriptwriter had an idea in mind that must show in the final product. Producers can be working with talents and scenes to bring out this idea.

As the editor, you have imaginations and opinions that you think can work for the production. However, the only way you will produce a captivating film is through collaboration.

Learn to express your ideas and listen to what other team players are saying about shots and clips. Such acts create an enlightening environment where everyone feels that his or her insights are valuable. All participants will be pleased with the end product.

2. Computer Skills

Video editing takes place on a computerized device. You will be using sophisticated software to turn raw footage into compelling films. You, therefore, require the best computer skills to edit your video clips.

Software tends to come in different versions. Each version produces clips with unique features, that can work for dynamic situations. Thus, you need to master the software required for the industry where you want to work.

Like all other industries, video editing skills are not static. New techniques, gadgets, and features will emerge from time to time. They help you to work faster, efficiently and produce better results. Ultimately, an editor has to learn quickly and embrace multiple computer skills to become more competitive.

The mastery of computer skills is especially essential for a video editor in the following ways.

  • You can deliver faster on projects, helping the producer to cut down on the overall time cost.
  • A skilled editor will produce magical scenes, helping to deliver the vision of the scriptwriter and the entire production team.
  • Quick and expertise skills come in handy during emergencies.

It will take time and different projects to master editing skills. You must also be diligent in learning new skills and experimenting on the features provided by your software. Understanding the entire film production process is crucial when you want to become an excellent producer.

3. Creativity

A film, in most cases, is a product of creativity. The creativity begins with the imagination by the scriptwriter. Then, the producer does their bit during shooting. Finally, the editor will put the icing on the cake to help the entire team to display creativity.

An editor exercises limited creativity as guided by the script. Their creativity involves the use of features available on editing software to assist the production team in delivering the best film. They have a responsibility to look at the script and available raw footage diligently before producing a film that will be interesting to the target audience.

4. Attention To Details

An editor turns the work of scriptwriters, actors, and the entire production crew into one film. While the film may run into hours, the editor must be conscious of every second of the film. They must know what the script says and how the actor delivers an act. It is these details that make a movie meaningful and enjoyable to watch. Consequently, an editor in the writing context polishes a script before the final release or submission.

A video editor plays the same role. You put different pieces and acts together, eliminate bloopers, and add effects that will help the team to achieve desired results. A single mistake like missing scene, sound issue, or wrong graphic effects could render the entire film useless. An editor has to pay attention to every word, sound, and act on the screen.

Places Where Video Editors Work

A film-minded individual with editing skills has endless opportunities when looking for work. It is impossible to mention all the businesses offering video editor jobs. However, we can identify significant industries where video editors work.

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Otherwise, your options are:

1. Television Studios

Television stations are engaged in continuous film production. Some are pre-recorded, while others have to be edited in real-time. The broadcast process also involves laying of programs and adverts to ensure continued streaming of set programs. Video editors have a crucial role in ensuring that television viewers receive seamless streaming.

The need for video editors in the television studio industry is projected to grow by 14% between the years 2018-2028. The median salary for editors working in this industry is $57,391 per year. However, note that wages depend on your skills and the employing media house.

2. Film Editor

Films are a significant part of the expansive entertainment industry. The film industry is expanding rapidly due to the opening of multiple television stations and streaming services. People are also watching them in studios. Producers can sell the movies individually or uploading the videos online.

The film production industry requires slightly experienced editors because of the required quality. The sector is expected to grow by 14% in the 2018-2028 decade, promising numerous jobs for editors.

Editors in the film industry are some of the best paid with the average editor taking home $78,459 per year. If you are lucky to work for an established production franchise, you will reap excellent rewards.

Jobs in Video Editing

3. Music Video Editors

Music is an entertainment segment that requires a lot of creativity when editing. A video editor with additional video graphics design skills is an asset. The competition in this industry requires the most creative and experienced editor. Since the music industry witnesses numerous projects every day, you have endless opportunities to make money.

As streaming and online services grow, the need for top-notch video editors will increase. The music video editor has the potential of earning up to $170,000 a year. You can work as a freelancer or as an employee of a production company.

4. Event Coverage

A video of a wedding, engagement, graduation, product launch, and such other events helps you to keep such wonderful memories. The video editor, in this case, helps in capturing only the essential elements of the occasion.

Event coverage does not require advanced editing skills. Since you are supposed to keep the resulting film as factual as possible, the editor has the simple task of identifying elements that will not go into the final film. Event coverage is the starting point for most editors.

5. Freelance Film Editors

Film editors have skills that can be useful for entrepreneurship and freelance careers. Companies, individuals, and production houses run seasonal projects that negate the need to hire full-time editors. Hence, it opens numerous opportunities for freelance video editing jobs.

To work as a freelancer, you must advertise your skills so that people can know. Also, deliver the best quality work to attract return business and referrals. Moreover, enroll in websites that offer freelancing jobs.

Earning is limitless for freelance video editors since they can get gigs from anywhere around the world.

Final Verdict

Video editor jobs allow you to work in multiple industries and gain the most exciting experience. As long as you have the required skills, there will always be a project for you to take up. You can also use your video editing skills for entrepreneurship and create more jobs for graduating editors. With a projected growth of 14% in the next decade, there is no doubt that this is one of the most promising sectors to work in.

is video editing a good job


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